Halo, aku ingin sharing persyaratan apply visa kedubes Belgia. Jadi akhir tahun 2020 aku sempat email kedubes Belgia kurang lebih kaya gini.
I would like to know whether it is possible to apply for an au pair visa in Jakarta and travel to Belgium with it due to the pandemic? Thank you.
Ga lama aku dapat balasan, katanya bisa. Terus sanking informatifnya mereka ngasih tau juga apa saja persyaratan untuk membuat visa. Berikut syarat-syaratnya.
For the Au Pair Visa application, you would need to submit:
1. Passport with a minimum validity of 1 year.
2. Application form (attached), filled out and signed.
3. Two pieces of color photograph on a white background and measuring 3.5 x 4.5 cm.
4. A working permit (original).
5. SKCK with the aim of "au pair in Belgium". This document must be legalized according to the following procedure: http://indonesia.diplomatie.
belgium.be/en/legalisation- documents . 6. Latest medical certificate (not more than 6 months), issued by a doctor who is in the following list: http://indonesia.diplomatie.
belgium.be/en/consular- services/doctors . 7. Proof of contribution fee of EUR 363 which is transferred to the Immigration Office in Brussels:
IBAN: BE57 6792 0060 9235
Bank: BPOST NV, Muntcentrum (zonder nr.), 1000 Brussel
Beneficiary: FOD Binnenlandse Zaken, Dienst Vreemdelingenzaken, Pachecolaan 44, 1000 Brussel
Payment reference: Last Name_First Name_Nationality_DDMMYYYY (fill in the applicant's personal data)
8. Payment for D visa is EUR 180, to be paid in Rupiah, according to the exchange rate prevailing at the Embassy (currently IDR 3.240.000).
Please send all of these documents via email or directly to the Embassy for us to verify. If everything is complete, you can make an appointment for a visa application at the Embassy.
Jadi, untuk aupair sendiri tuh pake Visa Type D. Tambahan untuk SKCK ga perlu diterjemahin lagi. Aku sempat ngehubungin salah satu jasa sworn translator yang ada di link poin 5 dan katanya ga perlu diterjemahkan lagi, karena sudah SKCK ada bahasa inggrisnya. Jadi bisa langsung dilegalisir aja ke kemenkumham, kemenlu dan kedutaan. Sworn translator tsb juga nyediain jasa legalisir harganya Rp 1,500,000. Sebenarnya ngurus persyaratan ini ga susah cuma lumayan makan waktu dan biaya transportasi bulak balik sana sini. Kalau kalian butuh infomasi lebih detail kalian bisa email kedubes Belgia langsung di Jakarta@diplobel.fed.be.
Semoga sedikitnya informasi ini membantu ya. Have a good day!